
¡Estalló internet! Las fotos de Kim Kardashian en bikini diminuta: "Estos son los 40"

Kim Kardashian cumplió 40 años y lo festejo con una seguidilla de imágenes en traje de baño que arrasaron

Kim Kardashian volvió a demostrar que es la reina indiscutida de las redes sociales. La estrella de Keeping Up with the Kardashians estalló internet con una serie de fotos desde una paradisíaca isla a la que viajó para celebrar su cumpleaños junto a su familia y amigos.

Kim está cumpliendo 40 años y fiel a su estilo se mostró más espléndida, escultural y tonificada que nunca. La esposa de Kanye West eligió una serie de imágenes donde se la ve luciendo una micro bikini color nude, pañuelo atado en la cabeza y gafas causando furor.
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This is 40!

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"Estos son los 40", escribió la empresaria en el post de la publicación que lleva millones de likes y comentarios halagando su espectacular cuerpazo.

Pese a los 2 partos naturales que tuvo, el de North y el de Saint, la estadounidense ha logrado mantener su figura de la mejor manera, sobretodo la curvatura de su cintura, que tanto ella como sus hermanas suelen tenerla pronunciada.

Días antes Kim compartió fotos de la mega celebración sorpresa que su familia organizó para celebrar sus 40.
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All I can say is WOW! My mom and my sisters threw me the most epic surprise party that was so special in my heart. We showed it on E as a special so you guys got to see the behind the scenes of how it really went down. You know I’m a sentimental person and this party was the most special. They re-created all of my special birthdays throughout my life from looking at all of our old home videos. They re-created the party, The same balloons, the same cake, everything! My dad video taped and documented our whole lives so they showed each of the videos of my birthdays on a big screen behind the party. I entered into the room that started off at my first birthday party with the same ponies and the same cake, and my dad wishing me a happy 1st birthday. Then as I entered in the room I ended up at my second birthday then my fourth birthday leading up to my 10th birthday where my sisters did the same exact dance that they did for me when I turned 10. We then got to my 16th birthday party and my exact same car was there waiting for me with the same exact balloons with the same cake. After a while the curtains opened and the bottle service girls came out which happened to be my sisters and they re-created Tao night club, where I spent all of my 30s having my birthday parties. Each and every detail that went into this was so special and I am forever grateful to my family for taking the time to put this together to celebrate me turning 40. I can’t wait to share so many more birthday photos and videos with you guys soon and I thank each and everyone of you who reached out with birthday wishes ✨ Also shout of to @mindyweiss for putting this all together. You were there putting together all my birthday parties when I was a little girl so this definitely came full circle.

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